Currently my bedroom is part office, part bathroom, and part bedroom. This is not the most ideal arrangement, but this is a post to show how I'm able to balance everything in one room. If you have any suggestions, please let me know! I'm always looking for ways to make my life more organized and functional!
With that being said, I didn't realize how much stuff I had until I bought this drawer and pretty much filled it! I had a lot of things sitting out and I hated that they were never really put away, so I ran over to Target and bought this rolling drawer set. I have loved it! I will also show you some of the baskets I have purchased this summer in an attempt to organize my many things a little better. Plus, I think I'm equally obsessed with baskets as I am with make up! Ahh!
In the bottom drawer I store my scrubs for work on the left and my scrubs for clinicals on the right. I'm able to fit 9 complete pairs, 2 holiday scrubs tops, and a lab coat in this drawer with room for another holiday top or two.
This drawer is full of random things like check books, Kleenex, stress balls I've collected over the years (?!), floss, blow dryer attachments, paper work for school and work, portable hard drive, Q-Tips, Flonase, etc. Gotta love a good junk drawer!
In this more shallow drawer I have everything I'd ever need for my iPhone and iPods, such as cords, cases, cleaning cloths, headphones and other accessories. It's a perfect depth! This works much better than shoving cords and such into other places in my room. It's nice that all of this has its own place and is so easy to find now, because when I need something for my phone or iPod, I'm usually in a rush.
In the top drawer I have more make up and back-up items. This drawer is also shallow but is tall enough to put my bareMinerals Getting Started Kit and small perfumes.
I told you I liked baskets! I got all three of these from Target. The top two I purchased a couple years ago with another I'll show below, but the bottom one I bought this summer.
I put all of my lotions and full size perfumes in here. I also have back up hairspray in here because I love it so much! I often like to switch out the travel-size lotions I throw in my purse, so when they're not in rotation this is where I store them. Things like Aloe Vera and bronzing lotion are seasonal, and aren't daily-use items, so it's been working out to have them off of my desk.
Just like my mantra "blending is a girl's best friend" in regards to makeup, stacking is also what helps me keep my life in order!
I may or may not have gone through a headband stage haha. I collected these while I was in school a couple of years ago and had to have my hair up for clinicals. I was also growing out my bangs, so these proved to help with the awkwardness that comes with that. I will still wear them occasionally and this seems to be the best way to store them, as long as I quit adding to my collection!
Bobbie pins, fake hair piece, clips, flower clips, hair ties--you name it, I've got it in here!
All of these palettes fit great in this desk drawer! I used to have random junk in here and one day I just threw it out and filled the drawer with things I didn't want sitting out collecting dust. I have lots of things stacked and it has seemed to function quite well!
I found this basket at Bath & Body Works last fall and put all of my daily use things right where I can get to them straight out of the shower. Yes, that is a printer in the background. Haha
This basket I got at Hancock Fabric and I put all of the newly purchased products and samples in there that I need to still try out.
This basket with a mirror was given to me years ago from my late grandmother and I have used the heck out of it. I plan on painting it soon since it has become so worn over the years.
I got this at Target in the office aisle, but it has served as a great way to store the hair brushes I use everyday!
If it wasn't obvious, I totally made this in ceramics class in High School. It's been perfect for storing my makeup brushes upright--along with mascara and eyeliners.
Again, I made this. I use Q-Tips everyday and this is a great size for them.
I got this as a High School graduation present from a sweet family and I have used it the heck out of it since. It is from Target.
This is not my style, but was given to me by the same grandmother a long time ago. I have rings stored in the top part, store my daily-use products on top, and some more makeup products in the bottom drawer.
This is also something I've had forever, and stores more than you might think!
Yes, I have two of the same palette. I have hit pan on quite a few of the shadows, okay?!
And the bottom drawer just has some office stuff like a giant paperclip and paper weight.
Can you tell I love these rolling plastic drawers?! I've had two of these smaller ones for years. In one I keep camisoles in and this one I have makeup in the top drawer, office supplies in the second, and cards I've saved over the years in the bottom.
I made this "bowl" and like to throw hair ties in here at the end of the day and have chapstick in it to make getting into bed at night a little faster.

Lots of nail polish and other personal care items in here.
I got this at Target this past summer and have filled it with lip gloss. I like it out so I can quickly scrounge through it on my way out the door. I believe it also came in black and hot pink.
And here's my jewelry shrine! I like it near my door so I can throw my jewelry on on the way out!
I bought this at Target. I absolutely love it for its purpose and it's so pretty too!
I made this and it holds my rings perfectly!
Same basket as my hair stuff ones shown above. It's great for bracelets!
This was a gift from my Aunt years ago and believe it or not it started out pretty empty. It has been filled over the years, but still has room for more earrings. It's fabulous! I have seen something similar on Amazon, so check it out. I highly recommend it!
I bought this from somewhere like Claire's in the Mall and it's been great! My necklaces used to get so messy and tangled--not anymore!
Above my many clothes I have these baskets. (I warned you of my obsession!!!)
I don't use a purse when I go to work, so I like to be able to store them away. Plus, I have so many! I also store camera cases, my laptop case, makeup travel bags, wallets, sunglasses, etc.
In this one I have bulky sweatshirts and sweaters that become misshapen from being hung up. I like that they will no longer take up so much room in my closet, especially during the summer months.
So that's it! Thanks for reading! Let me know if you have a great way of storing shoes! So far mine have poured out of the shoe holder I have and I'm just stacking them. It becomes quite messy! :O