Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Here are my empties:

A little about these products...

My cosmetologist sister got her hands on that shampoo for me and I love it!

I needed shaving cream while on a trip so I picked up the eos brand and it's amazingly gentle and leaves my skin so smooth!

As for the two bottles of lotion, when weeding out a month or two ago, I set these out to you since I've had them forever but have taken far too long to finish. I have seriously had them since I was a Junior in high school! Ridiculous! I was pretty disappointed. I don't know if they were not as moisturizing because they were so old or if they were just gimmicky ziosk purchases I made in my naïveté from Middle Eastern men who claimed the lotions were made with Dead Sea salt in Israel, imported into the U.S. in big vats, AND THEN packaged. (I hadn't read the packaging closely enough until I got home and you'd best believe I called them out on it the next time I saw them in the mall! That was their response and I didn't believe it then either!)

The rest of the products are just tried and true products that I can't live without! I'll try to come up with something besides an Empties post before too long haha. I'm mostly just enjoying the summer weather and can't wait to check out the Urban Decay Naked Smoky Palette this month! I always have to physically go into the store for that type of thing and swatch it before purchasing. Is anyone else like that? #pickymakeupgirlprobs

I hope you're having a great summer and thanks for reading! :)

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